Friday, June 11, 2010

Watch Twilight Eclipse in 3D Online

I’m every bit addicted to Twilight as you do.  Since the announcement of the third sequel of Twilight Saga movie, I have been on constant alert on every news and update of the movie.  My excitement grows ten-fold when it was announced by Summit Entertainment that the Twilight Saga: Eclipse will be released both in regular theaters and IMAX 3D. 

I was totally taken over by both Twilight and Twilight New Moon, even they are just shown over regular theaters.  But with the Twilight Eclipse shown in 3D I would be taken 10 times over.  Imagine watching the wolf-pack transforming in total color vividness and crispiness of a 3D technology. Oh, boy! I can’t wait for it to be shown.

In the Twilight Eclipse, the main cast of the Twilight series will return portraying their respective roles.  Kristen Stewart will still be portraying the character of Bella Swan. She is the love interest of Edward Cullen and Jacob Black which played by Robert Patterson and Taylor Lautner respectively.  The rest of secondary casts returns except for Rachelle LaFevre who was replaced by Bryce Dallas Howard for the role of Victoria.

The Twilight Saga: Eclipse is the first Twilight movie to be shown in IMAX 3D. It will be shown on both regular theaters and IMAX 3D on June 30, 2010. You can also watch eclipse online for free, although I would rather want to watch it in 3D to enjoy the best quality. 


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